Minimex Ltd
- Minimex Ltd is the largest producer of fine maize products in Rwanda. It is committed to play a central role as buyer of maize from Rwandan farmers, cooperatives and traders and as provider of healthy nutritional products to the population and institutions.
- Having started its operations as a maize mill in 2006, Minimex has gained a central position in the food value chain in Rwanda as one of the larger buyers of local maize and as largest provider of quality maize flour in the country. As buyer of maize, we aim to provide a healthy market to the farmers and cooperatives in the region.
- Healthy nutrition forms the basis for a strong and smart population. The food one eats must be safe, nutritious, and tasteful. That is exactly what the products of Minimex are. Produced with care from the best maize, and meeting the standards declared mandatory by the Rwandan Government.
Bakhresa Grain Milling (Rwanda) Ltd
- Bakhresa Grain Milling (Rwanda) Limited, was incorporated in Rwanda on 9th January 2009 with an objective to manufacture quality wheat products to cater to the local demand in Rwanda and export to Eastern Congo and Burundi. BGM-Rwanda is proud to be a pioneer company set up in the newly developed special economic zone in Kigali. It started its construction activity on 18th March 2010 and commercial production on 17th May 2011. BGM Rwanda has milling capacity of 500 tons per day and wheat storage capacity of 12,000 tons.
- The company is providing direct employment to more than 80 local people and expatriates who are working dedicatedly and efficiently for mutual growth.
- The company has undertaken a pilot project in cooperation with Ministry of Agriculture for assessing the potentially to grow wheat in Rwanda. It has already completed one crop in various places in Rwanda and are assessing the results.

- Rwa Business Group is a multi-sector business with interests in commodities trading, energy, real estate, ICT and financial services. Through various investments, Rwa Business Group, imports sugar, exports coffee and offers non-banking financial services.
- Rwa Business Group was founded in 2012 and is headquartered in Kigali, Rwanda. We strive to be one of Africa’s leading and most dynamic and vibrant diversified conglomerates, with the main pursuit being wealth creation for not just ourselves but the average person in the country we do business.
- Rell is Rwa Business Group’s commodities trading arm and is headquartered in Kigali-Rwanda. Commodities: Sugar (Brown), Wheat Flour, Maize (Grain), Coffee (Arabica)
- Nootri® is produced by Africa Improved Foods Rwanda Ltd – a modern brand-new company that produces highly nutritious porridges for the World Food Programme (WFP), Government of Rwanda and everyday consumers in East Africa. The factory in Kigali is set up in line with international standards and is FSSC22000 compliant.
- Nootri products are special cereal blends that help meet the nutritional needs of you and your family. We currently have three products in our Nootri range: NootriMamaTM, NootriTotoTM and Nootri FamilyTM. These three brands have been specifically designed to improve nutrition during the first 1000 days of a child’s life, starting at conception and reaching up to a child’s second birthday and provide you and your family with the nutrients and energy you need to get through the day.
- Azania wheat flour (Rwanda) Limited, was incorporated in Rwanda on 2011 with an objective to manufacture quality wheat flour to the local demand in Rwanda and export to Eastern Congo and Burundi. Azania wheat flour Rwanda is proud to be a pioneer company set up in the newly developed special economic zone in Kigali. It started its commercial production on 2011. Azania wheat flour Rwanda has milling capacity of 500 tons per day and wheat storage capacity of 12,000 tons.
- Azania Group of Companies development over the years has been a major corporate success stories. The ambition to create a class-leading business with high value products has won the company great respect. The group was formed with one company, Azania Wheat Flour and over the years has diversified into new business ventures including Polybag and Grain Bulk Silos.