- Two decades after the war and genocide of 1994 which claimed the lives of over one million Tutsi, Rwanda has become the safe, secure and economic miracle of Africa. The Rwandan government works very hard to boost and diversify its economic resources.
- Production of key export crop products such as coffee and tea as well as the construction and tourism sectors are steadily rising and being translated into similar growth of the national gross domestic product. Despite the tremendous economic and social welfare progress, poverty remains high with about 39% of the population still living under the poverty line.
- Since 2006, Ikirezi produces geranium oil. In 2009 the product range has been expanded to include lemongrass and eucalyptus oils. In addition to the three types of organic oil, Ikirezi continues to evaluate additional natural plant products.
- Between 2010 and 2013 Ikirezi carried out trials to determine growing and distillation protocols of patchouli. Ikirezi is now producing organic patchouli oilusing optimum production protocols. In 2013, Tagetes oil was added to our essential oil listand the first batch of rosemary oil will be produced the end of 2017.
- Horizon SOPYRWA is a private company that engages in the production, processing and marketing of pyrethrum; a natural botanical insecticide derived from the chrysanthemum flower, Essential Oils and Greenhouse Products.
- Horizon SOPYRWA was established in 2008 as a subsidiary of Horizon Group. Currently, our factory has the capacity to produce 3,000 tons of dry flowers per year. We also process 10% of global production of pyrethrum pale extract, which is the refined concentrate of the flower.
- Horizon Group acquired SOPYRWA in 2008, leading to the creation of Horizon SOPYRWA. Since then, plant utilization grew from under 10% to over 60 %, greatly increasing the volume of pyrethrum production in Rwanda.
- Horizon SOPYRWA has transformed the pyrethrum industry in Rwanda, and made the country a regional leading exporter of this cash crop.

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- Asili, a Swahili word meaning “from the source”, conveys our commitment to quality natural products from the ground up. Located in the country of Rwanda, Asili Natural Oils is a social impact company occupying a critical link in the supply chain – connecting hundreds of small-holder farmers to high value international markets. We are committed to serving our customers with professionalism and integrity, thereby ensuring benefit for farmer and customer.
- Asili Natural Oils focuses on four oils as ingredients in cosmetic applications: Moringa Oil, Passionflower Oil, Wild African Calabash Oil and Chia Seed Oil. The unique properties of each oil make them ideal ingredients for a wide range of cosmetic products in body, face and hair care formulations
- Our team operates at all stages of the value chain, starting with field officers working day to day with our farmers, through to the production team turning seed into high quality oil. We aim to hire those in the greatest need, prioritizing employment for widows and orphans.
- As Yonca Food, we are proud of having wide range of manufacturing sites for edible oils, olive oils, canned vegetables-fruits, ketchup – mayonnaise, tomato paste and tomato products, dressings, sauces, roasted vegetables and various pickle products. Below Yonca products are representing our milestones in manufacturing. Yonca presents its all product range to whole world, since the time they have born in our production lines!
- We wrap the world with our tastes! We have been presenting below products globally as well as domestic market. YONCA has been distributing its delightful tastes, which made millions of consumers happy, since 1981. Ajvar, Capers, Canned Fruits, Canned Vegetables, Canola Oil, Corn Oil, Cornichons, Dipping Sauces, Jalapenos, Ketchup-Mayonnaise, Meat Sauces, Olive Oil, Pasta Sauces, Pickles, Pizza Sauces, Profritoz (Frying Oil for Food Service), Roasted Eggplants, Roasted Red Peppers, Salad Dressings, Sunflower Oil, Tomato Paste, Tomato Products and 2in1 Tubes (Ketchup-Mayonnaise in same tube)
- Rwanda’s fresh products are branded under the “RWANDAFRESH Brand” and processed products are certified for the recognized world quality industrial standards. Currently, our producers are under certification process for GLOBAL GAP, FAIRTRADE and ORGANIC standards. Below are some of the products promoted for the export market..
- Rwanda grows a broad range of horticulture products include vegetables, fruits, flowers, nuts, and essential oils. Specific products include French beans, snow peas, sugar snaps, eggplant, carrots, cabbage, sweet pepper, chilli, red and white onions, tomato, leeks, garlic, cauliflower, lettuce, courgette, cucumber, avocado, tree tomato, banana, passion fruits, mango, oranges, flowers, and macadamia nuts.