- Kinazi Cassava flour is fine cassava flour processed from fresh cassava
tubers grown in Rwanda through the wet milling process. The wet milling process
consists of peeling, washing, chopping, rasping/grating, fermentation,
pressing/de-watering, sieving, drying and packaging. End Product
Characterisation and Intended Use
The product is a low risk product (Below 12 % MC, low fat content and low protein) It is hygroscopic as it can easily absorb moisture if not kept properly in cool and dry environment. - Kinazi Cassava Plant Limited (KCP) was conceived by the Government of Rwanda as a viable mechanism to add value to the growing cassava production in Rwanda. This investment is viewed as a significant addition to the growing Rwandan agro-processing sector. KCP was constructed by Government of Rwanda through Rwanda Development Bank (BRD) financing in 2011, and commissioned in April at Kinazi Sector, Ruhango district.

- Minimex Ltd is the largest producer of fine maize products in Rwanda. It is committed to play a central role as buyer of maize from Rwandan farmers, cooperatives and traders and as provider of healthy nutritional products to the population and institutions.
- The maize mill has an annual production capacity of 43.000 metric tons. It is equipped with state-of-the art machines from Buhler (Switzerland).
- Having started its operations as a maize mill in 2006, Minimex has gained a central position in the food value chain in Rwanda as one of the larger buyers of local maize and as largest provider of quality maize flour in the country. As buyer of maize, we aim to provide a healthy market to the farmers and cooperatives in the region.
- SINA GERARD Ese URWIBUTSO is owned and managed by Mr. SINA Gerard. It is oriented towards agro-processing industry sector. The company is located at Nyirangarama in Rulindo District, Northern Province about 45 Km from Kigali City, on Kigali Musanze – Rubavu main road.
- Processing and delivering standardized products and provide high quality services. Being influential through providing excellent made in Rwanda products; Being competitive worldwide and Enhance social economic development.